for PupsBelow is a guideline of dog sizes. When measuring your dog’s neck, remember that you should provide the size from end to end (no overlap like a traditional collar).

Under 10 lbs
Chihuahua, Jack Russell Terrier, Teacup Poodle, etc.
5″-8″ neck

10 – 25 lbs
Highland Terrier, Pug, Miniature Poodle, etc.
11″-13″ neck

20 – 50 lbs
Border Collie, Sheepdog, Cocker Spaniel, etc.
11″-13″ neck

50 – 75 lbs
Golden Retriever, Labrador, etc.
12″-15″ neck

75 – 90 lbs
Rottweiler, Boxer, German Shepherd, etc.
16″-19″ neck

90+ lbs
Great Dane, Mastif, Greyhound, etc.
20″-23″ neck
Custom Jewelry | Consultation | Healing Session
Does your beloved dog need help with behavior or other issues? A custom-created Purpose Stones collar can help alleviate issues of abandonment, anxiety, fear, panic, bereavement, and more. Choose a Custom Package that includes an in-depth behavioral consultation with Lisa, an Energy Healing session with Carole Conlon, Mastery Energy Healer, and a custom-created collar to aid in the alleviation of the problems your dog is experiencing.
Happy & Fulfilled
I really wanted it to work at calming. Last night when I came home from work she was pretty good. She didn’t jump on me or push her sisters away so she got all of the attention. Maybe it just took some time. I saw a change in her needy behavior. Later I found out that she didn’t get to the dog park to tire her out. This made her behavior so much more remarkable. She looks so pretty in it and she seems to like it so I left it on. After 2 weeks it seems to be making the needy demanding behavior subside. I will keep you informed. Thank you.
This Is What People Are Saying
"Working with Lisa to build my custom Purpose Stones bracelets was such a blessing. I spoke with Lisa about building rose quartz & amethyst bracelets to give to my Mum & sisters at my wedding. She was attentive & really understood what I was looking for. My family loved them & all wore them on my special day. Thank you Lisa!"
"I love Purpose Stones “Prosperity” bracelet! I h ave worn it for almost two months. It's beautiful and help to ground me in financial decisions, give new life and stabilize my emotions. I've experienced and increase in sales in my small growing business in the past two months! It helped with negative emotions and to bring balance into a few recent transitions in my life. Also, I haven't experienced any health problems as all these past two months. I would recommend these bracelets to anyone who likes to wear beautiful stones. They are amazingly handcrafted and Lisa puts individual attention into each one."
"I asked Lisa to create a "money" bracelet for me. I had been out of work for 11 months and couldn't think of anything I needed more support on. I received a beautifully crafted stone bracelet in 2 days and put it on immediately. The very next day I got a job offer and now I am in the best financial shape of my life. My financial situation has been all-growth since putting on the bracelet. My wife wears a calming bracelet and she appreciates the effect it has on her. I highly recommend these bracelets for durability, beauty, and the special effect they can make on your life.

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